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    Biofeedback and Psi Manipulation

    By KMiller

    So you’ve read through my evidence, you’ve looked over the research, you’ve studied the explanations, (if you haven’t, do so!)…and you decided you want to become a psion. Well that’s great, but how do you start? Well, obviously there are better sites out there than mine, but I offer something they can’t. Not only will I briefly explain how to, but why!

    So, what to start with, but of course, that most heinous of all constructs, the duly named Psiball. Now, laughably enough, occasionally folks ask me what it is. Well, here is your answer. It’s a ball of Psi.

    But how do you make one? Well, the obvious answer would be to take your Psi, and make a ball. Unfortunately, most of you will ask how. Well, dare I say it? The normal answer is visualization. No! That doesn’t work as it should. Visualizations do not equal results. Perhaps the best way to do it is to paraphrase Nike…Just…Do…It. Ahhhh! You hate me now. No. I’m not finished.

    There is a practice called biofeedback. Now, as we all know, when we think, we emit the electromagnetically charged particles in certain patterns. Biofeedback would take control over these nerves, and emit the Psi in a pattern that takes the form of a ball. It will last as long as those neurological connections last. Commonly, use them long enough and the neurons that do so form in the brain and last for a long time. It also programs to respond to certain stimuli, so if you cup your hands, it automatically fires the nerves to make a Psiball.

    Now, the trick is to gain control over the biofeedback so that you can manipulate the nerves to fire the psi in that pattern. How do you do that? Biofeedback varies from person to person, and I can’t teach you that. A good practice would be to try gaining control over your heart rate, or at lower levels, stimulate your nerves. Lay down, and attempt to feel something that’s not there. You’ve now created stimuli that’s not there, in other words, taken control over your nerves.

    It is not to be assumed, however, that you should try to biofeedback your hands. Of course this would result in the feeling of a Psiball. The biofeedback is simply a method of altering the paths of the energy. It is not advised that you attempt to biofeedback the feeling of a Psiball, for the reasons of validity. It could very well be a placebo effect, and those are not good. instead, creating the Psiball through visualization, try to locate the area and sensation of biofeedback being generated in other parts of the body. This way, instead of visualization, you can train yourself to “just do it” by creating the same nervous connections, thus generating the pattern.

    Now, do the same thing, just with a different result. Try to make the Psiball using the generic visualization of one forming, and in theory you’ll fire the proper nerves to generate the proper effect. You’re sort of reverse engineering the effect. This same thing applies to all works of psi energy, just with different visualization/biofeedback patterns.