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    By WingedWolf

    Transmutation is a term created by Master Psion Anka to describe a very specific type of psychic overlay. This overlay is created instinctively by certain specialty psis and innate energy workers of a few other types. Some of the specialties and other energy workers who have so far been verified capable of transmutating others include phoenixes, phase-switchers, innate psi-vamps of the switcher line variant, innate sanguinarian vampires, and some therianthropes. (Therianthropes are a type of otherkin who feel that they have the spirit/mental characteristics of a non-human animal. Those who can shift into the mindset of their animal, apparently gaining some sensory heightening and improved stamina, are most likely to be able to perform transmutations).

    There are several differences between a transmutation overlay and a conventional overlay. Transmutation overlays have a very ‘organic’ structure to them, and tend to behave almost like simple living things–they self-install and find their own way through a person’s nervous and energy systems. They also tend to include instincts and sometimes even physical traits (such as sunlight sensitivity in sanguinarian vampires), which other types of overlays generally don’t, or at least not to such a complex degree. Because they are created instinctively, they can be tricky to modify. They can also be difficult to remove, and a person’s nervous system and energy systems are likely to take up the pattern permanently after it has been in place for a long time–possibly more thoroughly and quickly than they would adopt a conventional overlay.

    Not all transmutation overlays are psi-based. The energy type utilized instinctively depends on the energy-worker who is doing it. Phoenixes, phase-switchers, and psi-vamps will use psi, while sanguinarian vampires and therianthropes may use another internal energy type. Compatibility is a very real concern with any type of overlay, and much more so with transmutations. An incompatible transmutation could become partially active, causing energetic damage or psychological imbalances in the individual it was installed in. Some individuals are not suited for certain types of transmutations, and the inherent structure of their energy system will break them, resulting in minor to severe problems. In general, a psi-based transmutation should never be done on a specialty psi of a different type, while a non-psi based transmutation is probably safe for most psis.

    Transmutation is a risky business, and anyone who has this capability should consider carefully before doing it to another person. I do not recommend any beginning energy worker attempt it. A person should be of at least intermediate level, and have excellent energy control and construct abilities. It’s important to take charge of the instinctive process to the degree that you can help adapt the overlay to the individual’s specific energy system. It’s also very important that you are able to remove the overlay from the person without causing damage to them, by controlling it and having it ‘uninstall’ itself. Note that such a process is INCOMPLETE. You must then go back and remove any ‘orphaned’ remnants of the overlay that remain in their system. If you are not capable of energetic healing, you should have someone who is on hand to make minor repairs if parts of the program have to be ‘surgically’ removed by cutting them free of the person’s system. They can also reattach any broken energy lines in their system which may be left where part of the overlay was creating a bridge. Removal of a transmutation which is not psi-based can be substantially more tricky.

    Some individuals do not adapt well to a successful transmutation, due to the effects it can have on their instincts and emotions. A transmutate should be monitored carefully for at least the first year to ensure that the overlay is stable and integrating properly, and that they are adapting to it psychologically. If there are signs of any serious problems of either type, it should be removed as soon as possible. The longer a transmutation overlay is left in place, the more integrated it becomes, and therefore it becomes increasingly difficult to remove without damage. A transmutation left in place for too long may not be removable, and would require some very advanced work to reverse (most likely through the use of another overlay).

    If you are contemplating being transmutated for any reason, you should ensure that you know as much as you possibly can about the energy-worker type you’re contemplating becoming. It’s not a good idea to ask for a transmutation merely to achieve a new experience with the intent to have it removed. The potential risks are too high for that. I would encourage anyone contemplating becoming a transmutate to consider very carefully how they will adapt to the changes that will occur within them, and to be certain this is really what they want on a permanent basis. Transmutations do not grant improved capabilities in all areas. They may REDUCE capability in some areas even as they raise it in other areas. They grant very specific abilities, but they do not grant the ability to control them. In most cases, people are far better off working to develop the abilities they presently have than taking on an overlay, particularly a transmutation.

    A psychic overlay is essentially a type of construct or ‘etching’ which adds to and modifies a person’s energy system substantially.