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    Shots and Blasts

    By Anka

    Much like shielding, shots/blasting depends on the energy format used for said attack.

    Basic Shot
    This is the simplest of energy projection. It is half way between being completely dynamic or completely static.

    Dense Shot
    This is a more dense energy format. Like a stone or metal ball being thrown at someone. It overcomes energy barriers by use of more impact.

    Mush Shot
    This is a less dense energy format, which splatters on “impact” to the energy barrier. It is like having a large mass of jello hit the target. Usually this is used to distract and partially blind the target. It is harder to sense while partial to completely covered in goo. It is also used to deliver small c0nstructs into the energy barrier, which then go to work either penetrating or disabling the shield; while the target is busy psychically removing the gunk.

    Bouncing Shot
    This uses a dense shot with some give, that “bounces” the shot around. Basically it allows the shot to make multiple attacks, but the aim is random with in an area that is covered by a shield. It is particularly useful for placing inside of regenerative shields, especially those placed around a house, car, or other structure. The attacker may often have to be creative about penetrating the shielding, or finding a means of delivering the shot inside of the shields otherwise. Once inside the shields the shot will continue to bounce around, causing damage, until disabled or it depletes it’s energy.

    Bypass Shot
    This allows the psion to create a shot that will by pass a specified type of shielding. To bypass a shield the psion must also have the shielding skill of the shield being bypassed.

    High-energy State Shot
    This is an extremely dynamic energy shot. The psionic energy is in a constant state of movement, much like a very hot boiling pan of water. This high-energy state knocks the energy of the barrier around and degrading the pattern of the blocking energy, making it easier for the energy or pattern to hit the target.

    De-patterning Shot
    This is like a High-energy State Shot, but even more degrading to energy patterns that are exposed to it. Any energy that does not stop this shot is absorbed into as part of the shot.

    Converter Shot
    This is like a De-patterning Shot, but it takes the energy and converts it into some other psychic effect. Usually this effect is used to create constructs. The psion must also have the required ability to create the thing that the energy is being converted into.

    Self-Rerouting Shot
    This allows the attack to redirect itself, by taking the path of least resistance. This shot is such a high-energy state and low density, that very little resistance is required to block the shot. However, because of the high-energy state and velocity of the shot, it will continue to travel even if blocked. It finds the path of least resistance within the field and will continue towards the target; until it either reaches the objective or runs out of energy.

    Grounding Shot
    This takes itself and redirects into the floor, dissipating the energy into the ground. In the process of this it attaches to the energy of the shield, grounding the shield’s energy as well. This slowly drains the shield; until a psionic effect separates, dissipates, or cancels the grounding shot energy from the shield.

    Cloaked Shot
    This shifts the psonic energy of the attack so that it resembles something else, such as a house cat, hedge, or some other non-hostile uninteresting object. The psion must have the psionic pattern of the thing they desire to appear as.

    Masking Shot
    This uses a different approach then most other shots, it simple shifts the psychic energy of the targeted field so that it resembles something else, such as a well known hostile psychic, rogue construct, or some other hostile or otherwise interesting object. This is essentially forcing the target’s shield into a cloaking shield. Usually this is used on adversaries to draw unwanted attention to them. It could be used to draw less attention, as the cloaking effect is normally used. This is occasionally helpful for assisting allied psion into a less noticeably situation. The psion must have the psion pattern of the thing they desire the shield to appear as.

    Layered Shot
    This layers more then one shot type, to create a shot that is better at breaking more then one shield type.

    Simple Chaotic Shot
    This is similar to a Layered Shot, but instead of layering the shot types, it rotates through them, in rapid random succession.

    Advanced Chaotic Shot
    This is ultimate shot for psionic energy effects. Like the Simple Chaotic Shot, this effect rotates through different shot types, in rapid random succession. Unlike the Simple Chaotic Shot, it does not use one shot type at once, but all of them at once. Each quarter-sized area of the shot is a different shot type that moves around the shot at random speeds. This means that the shot is constantly shifting, so particular type of defense will be best against the shot.

    PK Shot
    This allows the psion to incorporate a PK effect into their shot, allow it to create a certain type of physical damage. The psion must have access to the psionic pattern of can be incorporated into the shot.

    This allows for a shot to be converted into a stream of energy, which can be maintained longer against shields that would otherwise simply stop it. It does require more energy be spent on the effect, but it can be a constant source of attack while the energy flow can be maintained.