By Winged Wolf
New students often complain of difficulties in concentrating and focusing long enough to do exercises. This is probably due in part to the frenetic pace of modern living, and entertainment media that caters to short attention spans. However, it’s far from unsolvable.
The following exercise should help you improve your concentration and focus in a wide variety of areas. You’re training your mind to pay attention to one thing, and stay focused, when you tell it to. Note that this exercise is not strictly mine, it has appeared in a book and several other places over the years.
Find a quiet area where you will be undisturbed–take the phone off the hook, turn off any sound distractions, etc.
Set up a small table with a candle in a holder on it. Sit in a comfortable position on a cushion or chair so that your gaze is about level with the wick of the candle.
Dim the lights. Light the candle.
Look at the candle flame. Do not allow the flame to blur or twin…keep it in focus. Do not allow your gaze to dart away, even momentarily. (Yes, you may blink). Simply continue looking at the flame.
You may be able do this for only a few minutes the first time, before you’re unable to continue. You should extend the amount of time you do it, each day. Do not clock-watch, but keep track of your time when you’re done. Simply do the exercise for as long as you possibly can.
Eventually, you will be able to keep your focus for 45 minutes or more. You may find the rest of the room disappears around you, giving you tunnel-vision, so that you only see the candle. Once you can do this, your focus is probably sufficiently trained and you can discontinue the exercise. You can always come back to it if you believe your concentration and focus are failing again.
You may use items other than a candle flame. The candle flame is easier to start with because the movement of the flame helps to keep your attention.