By Winged Wolf
In order to trigger a psi ability (in other words, to cause it to function), you should first find out what energy format the ability uses, and which nerve cluster that format is produced by. While our chart is certainly not set in stone, it has been tested many times, and it may help increase your chances of success. Locate the ability you wish to use on the psi abilities chart, and identify the nerve cluster and the energy format. This will give you a lot of information about how to try to use it.
If you find that using another area/nerve cluster gives you greater success with the ability than the one recommended by the chart, please drop a note to our Research Department and let them know what you found. We can then collect these reports and experiment with them to confirm the validity of the chart (or revise it).
Next, determine if you are attempting to use the input or output function of the ability–to sense something, or to affect it. To use the input of most abilities in an active way, you should send energy from the appropriate nerve cluster to the target, and then attempt to sense the bounce-back. Don’t worry about not knowing how–just go through that motion, and attempt it.
To use the output function of an ability, send energy to your target while concentrating on your goal. If it doesn’t work, try altering, narrowing, or otherwise changing the frequency or shape of the energy you are sending to the target.
If you can work with a partner, it always helps, because you can have a person to validate any effect you may cause at a distance. For input abilities that involve people, having a willing partner is essential, as it’s quite rude to scan someone without their permission.