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    Introduction to Psionics and Dealing with Skeptics

    By KMiller

    So you’ve become interested in psionics for some reason or another. That’s great, but there are things you need to know before you begin practicing anything. The same way you wouldn’t start a martial art without first signing insurance forms, you’ll need to know certain things about the psionic world. Through your studies in psionics you will find things that have existed your entire life without your knowing. There are people, events, and so forth that will begin to impact your life, and you should be prepared. But before even that, we must discuss the matter of what changes you are willing to make to your lifestyle.

    Your studies in psionics will effect more than just you. Everyone who knows you will in some way be affected. Whether you plan on practicing psychokinesis or telepathy, in which the effects will be obvious, or you decide to practice subtle psychoenergetics and pendling or psychometry, the people who know you will somehow be effected. This is because, in all honesty, psionics is a study of using your mind to gain additional data about or alter reality.

    Now, let’s get something straight. By becoming a psychic, you’re not devoting your life to sitting in your room listening to repetitive music and trancing while the rest of the world is out being “normal.” I’m a psychic, I was born a natural Telepath and Clairvoyant. It actually effects my life very little. I live a “normal” life amongst “normal” people, and only occasionally does my telepathy even play a role. I do, on occasion, freak people out a little by answering a question before they ask it, or responding to something they didn’t say. More often I make people curious by forgetting to talk and Thought Sending instead. I try to avoid areas with lots of people because of the noise, but I am not restricted from going into them, my natural defenses and my shields can prevent overload well enough. So really, my life is only different because of my utilization of my abilities.

    This is, however, because I’ve never not been psychic. For those of you who are not naturally born with psychic ability (here forth referred to as Nons: Those not born with natural psychic ability and the instinct to use it), there will be noticeable changes. Some of the changes may come because you’ll start looking for them, and they were there all along, for example, saying something before a friend speaks it. Just about everyone does this now and then. It has to do with either thinking the same way as your friend for the mundane reasons, or energetic rapports and telepathic connections for the less than mundane reactions. Either way, it’s something you’ll notice and think “That’s psychic experience there” instead of “Wow, what a coincidence.”

    However, one must know when to say “That’s psychic experience there” instead of “Wow, what a coincidence.” Some people aren’t very accepting of differences, and are so hard set to believing that psychic experiences don’t exist that they’ll discourage or even discriminate against you because of your talents. That’s why Sensitives (Psychic individuals geared towards telepathic activity, called “Sensitives” because of their Sensitivity to psychic “waves”.) are disbelieved in and feared, and why naturally Sensitive children are often (although not always) few in friends. As a polar opposite, a Sensitive child may have a few friends that like them a lot, and a few that are freaked out, depending on the veracity of the children’s beliefs, not on the Sensitive child itself.

    A good way to tell who you can trust is by how closely their interests fall with yours. If you have a close friend who is interested in basically everything you are, then chances are they won’t have too much of a problem with it.. However, if you don’t know someone well enough to judge their reaction, or you know they don’t believe in psychic experiences and you aren’t well enough equipped with evidence, then you may have some problems ahead, provided you choose to tell them. The first move you should make in proving psychic experiences is a demonstration. However, some people are incapable of demonstration, either because they’re scared like a nancy that they’ll flop, or because they aren’t skilled enough for reliable performance, or whatever.

    Following a demonstration, scientific information is always good. If you plan on revealing it to a great many people, then perhaps you should invest some cash (somewhere in the 20-30 dollar range) in CIA Freedom of Information Act information. If you’re a US Citizen, and you have money, you can send a letter to the CIA, address:

    Central Intelligence Agency
    Information and Privacy Coordinator
    Washington D.C., 20505

    Requesting information relating to “Remote Viewing” or “STARGATE.” In this letter you should include that you are a US Citizen requesting information for personal use under the Freedom of Information Act, and that you’re willing to pay up to $30 for information. Also, be sure to be respectful, use proper letter etiquette, and sign with your full name, address, and phone number on the bottom.

    Within about a month or two, they will respond with about 30 pages of information, a letter of information that they will inform you when more information becomes available, and a list of additional information you can request. You can then send a new letter, including the list they sent (WELL MARKED for what you want) and a list of what you want (to be safe), using the same format as the original. They will then respond with a large envelope or box including all the information you want, and a letter stating how much you owe them (it was $.10 a page in Summer 2001). They will also include instructions on who to send that to.

    So that’s how to disarm a skeptical friend or acquaintance. Now, the second important bit is the dreaded religious issue. A lot of people somehow got it into their mind that Psionics somehow interferes with religion. In fact, a lot of these people are scary fundamentalist/puritanical religious individuals. They will try to tell you all kinds of things, like “Psi Energy is the DEVIL!” and “Telepathy is demons whispering in your ear!” and all kinds of ridiculous stuff like that. Well, there’s a pretty simple way to disarm that: Pure Logical Science. Most fundamentalists don’t have scientific knowledge, a lot of them don’t believe in evolution. Why? Because they claim there isn’t enough scientific evidence. Well, if they claim the same here, you can slap ‘em with the same data as above.

    Also, under the “Psi Energy” article on the LPSC there is a large list of scientific data you can use, including an in depth description of Psi Energy (bioplasma). That should be enough to disarm any fundamentalist. If it’s proven to be a natural occurrence, then it can’t be the devil, now can it?

    Granted, of course, there are all kinds of stupid people out there who will just ignore every bit of legitimate scientific information out there, and those are the kind of people it’s fun to laugh at.

    So now that we’ve strayed nicely off topic, we return to how psionics can change your life and the lives of those around you. This will be very brief, as obviously there are all kinds of ways, but this is a brief list of some of the things that you’ll meet. For additional information, you can contact Nazarak at Nazarak1204, or [email protected]

    Practicing and Learning Telepathy:

    Telepathy is an interesting and challenging skill to acquire. Most telepaths I’ve encountered are naturally telepathic, and therefore, their lives don’t change much. Mine hasn’t changed much since I learned not everyone “does it” and since I’ve honed by skills. However, those of you learning the skill may encounter several problems.

    The first and foremost of these is the fact that telepathy is not openly accepted by everyone. Even if the individual on the other side of telepathic experience doesn’t know what’s going on, they may give you strange looks. For instance, the other day I turned around and replied to something that apparently the person hadn’t said yet. That confrontation ended in my getting a very odd look from the person, who elicited a profanity and then shrugged it off. If you don’t keep your mind in check (or rather, if other’s don’t keep theirs in check), then you should be prepared for this kind of thing.

    Secondly, there is the possible risk of telepathic overload. I don’t know if nons who learn telepathy become Sensitive to this degree, but I know that natural telepaths have a problem with large crowds, specifically: telepathic overload. This is where a telepath has too many people within his or her “range,” and is therefore receiving more data than their brain can handle. This normally only results in discomfort and a thudding headache, although it can have nastier side effects. It almost invariably ends in a chemical imbalance, which, if left untreated, can cause extreme illness, however, treatment is only as bad as drinking a glass or two of Orange Juice, to restore the body’s potassium and glucose supply.

    The third, and probably most annoying of all telepathic side effects, is the “instinctual reaction” responses. When someone tells you to do something on a liminal level, your conscious mind thinks about it, considers the consequences, etc. However, on a subliminal – or telepathic- level, the mind doesn’t get a chance to consider. As a personal example, sometimes I’ll just go and do things other people are thinking about. For instance, once, my mum was downstairs watching the telly. She couldn’t find the remote, and so she thought about getting up and turning the channel. She thought about it _just right_ so that my mind interpreted it as a “do this” command from my own brain….and so I went down and changed the telly for her, and she told me to go back upstairs and get out of her head.

    Practicing and Learning Psychokinesis and Psychoenergetics:

    Psychokinesis, mind over matter, remote influence of matter…whatever you call it, is a beautiful skill, and probably attempted to be learned the most. However, it is not without price. Psychokinetic tampering may carry with it the worst side effects, or the best, depending on your views on self-destructive tendencies. Psychoenergetics fall under the same broad category, as “Influencer” traits, instead of “Influenced” traits, such as Telepathy, where one’s mind is altered based on another’s thoughts.

    The most common side effect of psychokinetic study is poltergeist phenomena. This is the famous “ghost” scenario, most often associated with adolescent girls and 17 to 18 year old men. Poltergeist phenomena is uncontrolled, random psychokinetic or psychoenergetic influence. In short, things start happening uncontrollably. This can range from little things, like a pencil accidentally sliding across a table, to huge displays of objects flying through the air. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon for someone whose biochemically imbalanced and energetically or emotionally overloaded (a telepathically overloaded psychokinetic is a very scary thing indeed) to rearrange entire rooms during restless sleep or peaks of emotional tenacity. Or, worse yet, large objects could be moved, such as lazboys hovering 4 feet in the air and then dropping…(long story.)

    Needless to say, this alone could become a horrible annoyance. Now, add the factor of people being around while it happens. Say you were in a crowded concert hall and suddenly fell into a large scale poltergeist. Not a good experience.

    Psychoenergetically, the same things can happen, through electromagnetic interference. If you are heavily imbalanced, not only will you become a harbinger of static electricity (shocking things is not fun, seeing as you feel it too), but you may cause huge distortions to electromagnetic fields, resulting in disruption/erasure of electronics, and annoying blips on INSCOM’s SigInt Satellites.