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    Long Distance Perception and Scaling

    By Winged Wolf

    One of the things many people have a problem with, particularly when first starting out, is figuring out the scale and size of objects/fields that they observe from a distance. Many people find that they will automatically scale what they are viewing so that it all seems around the same size, regardless of its ACTUAL size. When you are aware of this, it can make some types of work easier.

    As an example, when trying to view extremely small, finely detailed things, if you see them as being large–kite string instead of hair-like threads, for example–it can make manipulating them and picking up details a great deal easier. However, it can also be confusing if you are uncertain of the actual scale of what you are perceiving.

    First, back up–check the fields from further away, and see how your perception shifts when you do so. If you can find physical objects, or other fields which impinge on the one you are viewing, it can be a big help in estimating the real scale of the field. Once you have this scale, you can always go back in close, and with a bit of mental adjustment, magnify or reduce your “viewing area” again.

    Second, compare your distance perceptions to what you can perceive close up, if possible. Notice when you begin to feel the fields of the people around you–how far away they are from their bodies, and how dense. Most peoples’ fields extend about 4 to 6 feet from their body–some a bit larger, some a big smaller. If you can use a person that you know as a key, you can view them both up close and at a distance, to help you fix the scale. This may take some practice.

    Other things to check for when doing distance work, and scanning, are that you are looking at all energy types and frequencies. The mind will often try to clear away all the extraneous junk when you’re using psi to perceive things… if you were to perceive everything, it would be very difficult to translate it. The problem is that sometimes too MUCH is cleared away… keep working on expanding how much you can perceive, and still keeping it within the threshold of what you can interpret easily.