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    Common Misconceptions about Psionics

    By KMiller

    In this section we will go over and discuss many common misconceptions of Psionics. These mainly include things about who does what, what certain things mean, etc.

    Common Misconception #1: You must be pure of heart and spirit to work with energy energies etc.

      Load. Of. Crap. If this were true, I would not be stuck as a telepath and Psion. You see, this is what happens with people use religious explanations for scientific things. They incorporate good and bad and evil and such into a constant, the way society does. The logic involved here is the same as “You are only held to the ground by gravity if you are a good person.” A similar misconception is that there are limits, or you can only use Psi for good things.

    Common Misconception #2: Anyone can do it with great ease.

      Laboratory research has proven, that yes, indeed, everybody has psionic ability(*1). However, this doesn’t mean everyone is the same. Genetics has a major influence on psionic ability. Some people are born with certain psionic abilities already turned on, some are “normal,” without any real special ability. Those with certain abilities born on are normally very good with those, but not as good at others, those with nothing born on normally can become better at all skills, etc. So while some folks can do certain skills naturally, and thus, which great ease, others can do all skills, just it may take a bit of work. “The only things free in life are your mind, your body, and masturbation.”-Me, the Lewd.

    Common Misconception #3: There are only two sides, Psionics exist, or they don’t.

      Many diehard skeptics like Randi will say that there is no way it can exist, and they will ask for 100% repetitive accuracy that can be reproduced by anyone anytime. These criteria are impossible to meet. Psionics is still a controversial field, current evidence can lead you to either condition. We at this website are going under the scientific fact that Psionic abilities have been reproduced in government labs all around the world. Therefore, we cannot argue with the fact that they exist. So how am I skeptical? I am not skeptical of the ability, but of the person who claims to have it. Until there is some kind of evidence that he possesses the ability he claims, I consider him “possibly capable of doing what he does”. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

    Common Misconception #4: There is no scientific evidence for the existence of Psi.

      Instead of going on in length about the Ganzfeld experiments, Soviet Research, and the CIA, I simply point you to our Scientific Research Section, which has links to many abstracts and conclusive projects that prove the existence of Psi.

    Common Misconception #5: Psi comes from outside the body, and we draw it in.

      Wrong! Scientific experiments have proven conclusively that Psi is a particle that is generated by the firing of synapse and impulse. While it can be taken from other organisms that fire it, and trace amounts can be found in the air, the majority of the Psi that is used comes from inside the body.