By Maverick1
In my short time studying psionics, I have run into many psions. Some are good and kind people, while others are mean, arrogant, and elitist. It’s this disturbing trend I want to discuss. Being a psion undoubtedly gives us much greater power than the average person, especially if you study all that is around you(shameless plug for the Power of Knowledge). But think of this, if we can understand people better through study, how much powerful does that make us compared to the arrogant elitist, or the merely ignorant and stupid? More powerful by far to be most certain. But with this power also comes great responsibility (cliché alert! :P).
Seriously, there are those who will abuse their abilities and powers for their own gain. It is our duty and responsibility to be reasonable and wise in the use of our abilities , and use them for the greater good of mankind, rather than take advantage of, or do damage to mankind. We who are psions, should try to work towards being closer to others in the human race rather than standoffish. What is accomplished by being rude and arrogant? Nothing. All this causes is bitterness and strife. We have enough in this world with out more being caused by the stupidity of a few with unusual abilities. But I urge you, be open minded, and study all that is around you, it will bring things into your horizon you never thought possible. More can be accomplished through open minded awareness than close minded ignorance. A few will always be abusive, arrogant, and selfish, but we can make the world a better place through the study of the world around us, and understanding things from views other than our own.
I also urge you to look within yourself, and look at your behavior. Are you causing joy or pain? That joy or pain can be either a blessing in the case of joy or a curse with the pain. Whether we like it or not we reflect our emotions, especially so with psions, who broadcast like an radio antenna at times. This will also allow for more clear mindedness, and allow you to go deeper than ever, and explore areas of your mind you could never quite before reach. The potential is a goldmine, I won’t mind telling you, plus your making a better person of yourself and the world around you by removing these hurtful emotions that can damage those around us. It is everyone’s world here, we all have a place. We who are more powerful than some are more responsible for things that go on, It comes with the power. Therefore self control is to control your powers and therefore the world around you.
So let all psions be responsible, responsible to ourselves, our fellow psions, and the world. I hope you all feel the same after reading this article.