By Maverick1
Everyone wants to improve their abilities, but the question is, how? Practicing seems the most obvious. But there are, however, more deep ways to accomplish breakthroughs in ability. How you ask? Reading. Read what you say? Anything and everything. Knowledge is power my friends. For example, sociology and psychology would help greatly with telepathy, and empathy. Psychology allows you to understand the mind from a clinical point of view, and shows you how the mind works.
Understanding personalities, the ego, id, superego, etc, can be key into being able to get to someone’s mind. The more you know, the more likely you are to succeed. Sociology allows you to understand people and how they act in groups, when alone, why they act how they do, etc. This goes hand in hand with psychology, in allowing you to understand others, and yourself. Yes, this can be used to look into yourself and find things you would not be able to see otherwise.
Another thing you can try is looking at things from the perspective opposite your own. This will be very difficult till you get used to it. Understanding things from someone else’s perspectives can open up unexpected doors to places you could never get otherwise. Neurology would also be helpful (Thanks RainTurtle for suggesting this one) since it shows you how our nerves work in detail, since psionics deals extensively in this area. Study physically conditioning as well. You say why? That’s totally unrelated. Physical conditioning is a psychology as well as a form of training it teaches mental duration as well as physical. Read philosophy, literature, anything you can get your hands on. It will open your mind and broaden your horizons (yes it’s cliché to say that blah :p) .
The point is not only will you learn about others and how to reach them, you will be able to reach potentials within yourself you never knew were there. You also can now see from more than your own point of view, and you’ve really learned a lot too. But there is more thing more important than anything else. You’ve (hopefully) become a better person. There is another side to the issue. Once you have attained all this knowledge do not allow yourself to be pulled in by elitism and arrogance. You are no better than anyone else. You’re more well learned by your own efforts. They can be on the same level if they put out as much effort. Gaining experience in psi is essential before expanding into things like this, this lessens the chance of arrogance and elitism, in most at least. I hope you heed this warning (Thanks for the pointers on both RainTurtle :) ) Good luck, I hope you learn well and are inspired by this article.