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    Psionics Etiquette and an Explanation of the Psion Guild Code of Conduct

    By Winged Wolf

    First, I will post what we have so far of the Guild’s code of conduct. Since I expect this from my students as well, it works fine. This also contains explanations of why these things were placed in the code.

    Code Of Conduct Explanation

    1. Members are discouraged from manipulating non-psi energy types and engaging in magical practices. No member may teach direct manipulation of any energy form/pattern other than the psi energy form/pattern in any Guild area. Use of alternative methods of energy-working is not barred to members outside of Guild areas. The Psion Guild is a specialist organization, and discourages members from splitting their attention in matters of energy working. In addition, there is some evidence that externally-derived energies can cause alterations or even damage to a person’s energy system, particularly if they are a more specialized innate psion. Externally-derived energies may be defined as those which are not created or found within the human body/energy systems of persons who aren’t active energy-workers. Members are discouraged from practices which involve the manipulation of non-psi types which are internally-derived, but recognizes that in some cases it may be necessary. If you have further questions on what this means, please consult the energy types section of the FAQ.

    This is primary on the Guild’s code of conduct for some very good reasons. The first is that in our observations, psi energy does not mix well with most other types of energy. It is very difficult to make psi function when it is mixed with other types, without producing unpredictable effects. Additionally, the use of other types of energy seems to be detrimental to the nervous system of born-psis. The adjustment that occurs in the nervous system to allow it to handle other energy types makes it less suited for handling psi. Finally, if you want make the most of your abilities, you must be a specialist in this–generalists can never exceed specialists in their own arena, and the Psion Guild is a specialist arena. Additionally, you can in time learn to do anything with psi that you could do with another energy type, thus there is no detriment to specializing.

    2. No member of the Guild may reveal the name of another member to anyone else without their written permission. Guild members should use a pseudonym in most dealings with others relating to the Guild, and revealing one’s real name is discouraged.

    The reason for this rule is simple–many people find psionics frightening, and when people are afraid, they react by lashing out at the object of their fear. This rule is in place for the protection of Guild members, both in body and in reputation.

    3. If you attempt to make money off of your talent, be honest and truthful. Dishonesty creates a bad reputation, which reflects badly on the Guild.

    This is fairly self-explanatory. To develop the Guild’s reputation of legitimacy, it is very important that the individual member are legitimate in what they do. Pretending to a higher degree of accuracy or higher level of ability than you actually have can cause degradation of both your reputation and that of the Guild if/when you are discovered. Putting on airs of mysticism also may harm the Guild’s reputation for legitimacy. You don’t need a turban to predict the future, so don’t wear one (unless you happen to be a Muslim).

    A few ground rules on choosing a “psi-name”. King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Lord, Lady, and Sir are out–no titles, please. Mr and Mrs, and Miss are ok. Lady used a term for female and not as a title is ok. (i.e., Dragonlady is ok, but not Lady Dragon–also, Dragonlord is not acceptable). Most psi-names are chosen because they represent you somehow, or they are conferred by others. Why are we so picky? Just to keep the most ridiculous-looking things at bay, and to avoid having a dozen different people all referred to in shorthand as “Lord”.

    Announcing yourself:
    This is a bit of etiquette from an older school of thought, which I think has enough merit to bring back. When you travel through an area, or to an area which is not the place you normally live, send an energy burst with the pattern that you wish to be associated with you (many older psis modify their projected pattern, so as to be more difficult to find). At the same time, yell your name (psi-name) at the top of your mental lungs. Many psis are territorial, but this can alleviate some of that–you won’t take them by surprise, and they know you are there.

    Don’t “out” other psis. Never discuss psionics with someone in front of a person unless you have asked the other psi in private if it is OK to do so. Do not tell others who is and who is not a psi without their permission. Never assume someone who will discuss psionics freely with you will not mind if you discuss their practices with others. Many people keep their ‘mundane’ and ‘esoteric’ lives separate, and may have VERY good reasons for doing so.

    Don’t “scan” someone without their permission. Some psis see this as an attack, or at least an extremely rude and intrusive act. They may respond accordingly.