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    Psi-Related Legends, Myths, and Rumors

    By Winged Wolf

    The reason for this document is twofold: The first reason I put this together was to keep a permanent record of the various myths, legends, and rumors which abound in the psi community. This record may have historical value, in future times. The second reason is that these kinds of rumors are often frank examples of paranoia and wish-fulfillment fantasy. They can be a kind of trap which unwary psis may fall into, leading to paranoia on a personal level, withdrawal from society, or superiority complexes. This document is written to show what is out there in the hopes that psis who read it will be encouraged NOT to take these kinds of stories at face value, and to very thoroughly investigate rumors before they decide whether or not they may be true. The people you hear these stories from may very often believe them wholeheartedly, and may very often claim to have proof of them…but often that proof turns out to be something that “a friend told me”…or the typical “it happened to a friend of a friend ” situation which all Urban Legends seem to originate from. Urban Legends are exactly what many of these stories are, albeit rather unusual ones.

    The Legend of The Ones:
    A long time a ago, during a witch burning, a psi was burned. There were two psis in town and they both knew the differences between psis and mages, and people who use other stuff.

    So when the one was burned, the others left town and went collecting psis.

    They then all moved to the mountains in the west, where they founded a great psi community.

    They are waiting for society to fall apart to come down from the mountains and collect all the worthwhile psis.

    The legend states that The Ones send out people to spy on the psis, and choose those which will be collected when the time comes.

    The Chosen Ones:
    The Chosen Ones are very charismatic psis with super-powerful abilities who were said to be fated to rise up and lead the psi community into prosperity. This may be based on someone having once met a hautè, but for those of us who have met a hautè we find the legend a bit far- fetched… The phoenixes are supposed to be currently teaching the Chosen Ones, and when the Chosen Ones take over the phoenixes will die off.

    Arthurian Legend, Psi-Style:
    Some great psi leader collects a large number of psis, very loose knit and disorganized. From outside of the group comes a psi who is trained by the leader. The leader has a lot of knowledge, decent abilities (though not extraordinary). The newcomer has many strong abilities, but lacks the knowledge. The old leader disappears/dies, and the newcomer becomes the leader. He creates a large group of powerful psi-warriors, and acquires a powerful psi weapon, and they went off and conquered a small section of the world and lived in prosperity.

    End of Humanity:
    Begins with sociological critical mass–if you put too many people in too small of a space, they will reach critical mass, and go insane at some point, just as rats will. The checks, balances, and controls no longer function because the needs of the masses has gone beyond them, and their capacity for rationalization has been overburdened.

    The world has become a big battleground–various small groups of people versus other small groups of people, etc. Eventually, all the non-actives are dead. (Those who do not use psi, or any other energy type or magick). There is very little advanced technology left. Eventually, most of the Witches, mages, and faith-working religious sects, and outside-energy-using psychic manage to nearly wipe each other out. The remainders join together, summon up things, let things loose, and create a bunch of nasty stuff, killing themselves in the process. The remaining psi groups that are left all join together and form a Net, wipe out all those leftover things, killing themselves off and blowing up sections of the world. Yes, that’s right–everyone dies.

    In an alternative version, the only the psis are left alive at the end.

    Abandoning Ship:
    A long time ago, somewhere on earth, there was a clan of cave men who became predominantly psi. Thus, they didn’t develop a whole lot of technology. Time passed, and around the age of the Sumerians, people ran across them, and took some of them into slavery (which didn’t last long). Those who were taken return with the concept of technology, and the entire tribe begins traveling around the world, collecting information on technology and more psis to add to their gene pool, and they settle somewhere and use their newfound knowledge to create huge psi-amplifying devices. They build a ship/ark, load up plants and animals, and they leave for parts unknown (supposedly left earth), never to be seen again.


    Atlantis and Lemuria were both psi societies that killed themselves off.


    • Somewhere near Sedona, Arizona, there is an underground brick complex. They kidnap psis, experiment on them there, and then leave them in the desert for dead. They have supposedly developed some interesting technology based on their experiments.
      Supporting evidence: remote viewing and precognition by various psis who had not conferred with one another previous to them, and one dead psi found with wires sticking out of his head and a pentagram with point up carved on his chest.
    • The government has a manual on the proper government usage of psi abilities, put out by the NSA and CIA.
      No supporting evidence.
    • They are supposedly building a military task force made up entirely of psis.
      Supporting evidence: The NSA has done studies available to the public (for a substantial fee) mainly on remote viewing.
    • The government has biomagnetic weapons.
      Supporting evidence: Testimony of people supposedly attacked with them, and if you request information from the NSA, they state it will take 30 hours to research and compile their declassified information on biomagnetics and remote viewing. And a few project names that persons who claim they were involved have mentioned. An electronics company who is subcontracted by the Standford Research Institute had an individual fix some equipment in a room. The equipment in the room included EEGs, Catscan, radio broadcasting equipment, a main frame, and some unidentified electronic equipment. The SRI has a contract with the NSA. The NSA refused to confirm or deny that the SRI was doing research for them into biomagnetics. The NSA also implied that some information was still classified. The Center for The Improvement of Human Functioning International, Inc, in Wichita, Kansas, will offer recovery services to persons claiming to have been psychotronically attacked.