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    Short Exposition of the Mind-Split Theory and Its Importance in Astral Projection

    By Clarknova

    This article is a summary of the multiple mind theory proposed by Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics (ISBN 1571741437). I feel compelled to write on this as it has confirmed and explained many of my own experiences, and might be interesting to members of the Psion Guild.

    Psi-activities such as construct building and direct energy manipulation in the waking world are infinitely more powerful in the astral planes. They are also immediately and directly applicable there. As Psionics refine their latent faculties they may find themselves projecting spontaneously, or lucidly dreaming. It is not uncommon for one mystical practice to suddenly spill you into another. If this happens to you, it can be very helpful to have a theoretical framework for your experience. There are also insights from the world of AP which could be valuable to Psionic practice. More on these later.

    Esoteric traditions east and west have had an understanding of the human being as a multi-tiered entity, with two, three, and perhaps more bodies in which consciousness dwells. In Hindu mysticism these bodies are called the Koshas which translates to “sheathes” or “sleeves”. In the hierarchy of bodies the next body after the meat body is the Pryanama Kosha: literally “sheath of vital breath”. When Madame Blavatsky popularized Indian mysticism in the west she coined the name “etheric body”, and this is the term most commonly used in English.

    The etheric body is tightly bound to the material body. The two only separate at death, or during the clinical death experienced in NDE. It is my understanding that the energy being manipulated by Psions is the energy of this body. Those that favor a neuro-energetic paradigm may take umbrage here.

    The next body is the so-called astral body. If you’re Hindu, the “Manamaya Kosha”. According to Bruce’s mind-split theory, this body is created only when the physical body is deeply relaxed and the mind is in a state of detached lucidity. During the creation of this body, a second copy of the mind is created for it: an energetic reflection of the first.

    As long as the astral body does not leave the confines of the etheric body, the thoughts and impressions of the two are identical: synchronized. When the Astral body separates from the etheric, flies around the room, or vanishes into an astral plane, the two minds split. Then each has its own independent experience. The bodies reintegrate shortly before or after the physical body wakes up. Then the minds collapse into each other like two separate audio video feeds synchronizing.

    Usually when the astral body leaves the etheric body, the etheric body falls asleep. In practitioners with sufficient energy, it’s possible for both bodies to remain awake. This is how the duplicated-mind phenomenon was discovered.

    The state of the body when the etheric and astral minds/bodies merge determines the way memories are encoded in the brain. If the etheric (and material) body wakes before the merging, the astral memories are lost to the unconscious. If the astral mind decides to return to its physical body before it wakes its memories can be recalled.

    The astral body itself can generate and send off yet another body. As can that body. And so on. I have had this experience several times, and found it quite perplexing. Different groups have proposed different taxonomies for these bodies. Scottish Rite Masons think there are only three. Buddhists and Yogis have named five. Opinions vary and there is no reason to believe that the number is even finite.

    So what does this mean for the Psion? Possibly two things.

    First, astral projectors have come up with many techniques for increasing their own energy. This gives them the power necessary to stay awake and work in the astral worlds. One of the techniques that astral projectors use is fasting for a reasonable period of time: anywhere from 6 to 30 hours. Another is to attempt projections during the time of the full moon. There are numerous other ways to increase the energy of the bod involving breath practices, meditation, visualization, many of which psi practitioners are probably familiar with. The aforementioned two are merely ways to take advantage of natural increases in psychoenergetic reserves without esoteric exercises. Perhaps you will find them useful. Searching online literature and AP forums may also give you insights into new techniques to try. I consider it unlikely that psi-vamps, and other psi practitioners with little energy of their own to spare are doomed to this condition.

    [Disclaimer: fasting may be dangerous to people with pre-existing medical conditions, such as hypoglycemia. If you have any doubts consult your doctor.]

    Secondly, astral projectors that have just left their bodies usually find themselves in what Bruce calls “the real-time zone”. I find this to be as good a name for it as any. It is a sort of energetic reflection or echo of the material plane. This region is extremely susceptible to so-called “reality fluctuations”, caused by the unconscious creative energies of the projector. Doors or windows may appear out of place. Strange books or furniture exist without explanation. The substance of this plane is highly volatile. Are psions who consciously work at creating balls, shields, and programmable constructs in fact manipulating the matter of this, the immaterial world closest to the physical, while still awake? If so, it should be possible for a projector to see a psion’s construct as the psion creates or manipulates it.

    An interesting experiment!