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    Emotion Input Ability

    By Winged Wolf

    In order to practice emotion input ability, it’s first wise to have basic energy control techniques down–charging, shielding, and moving energy. Ideally, a person should complete Anka’s training manual, Robert Bruce’s NEW, or a similar energy development system before concentrating on specific applications of mental abilities such as this one.
    This ability is extremely difficult to train without a partner, so I recommend finding a friend who is capable of inducing emotional states in his/herself at will. Otherwise, you may need to apply this ability whenever you can, by asking the people around you whether they are feeling what you sense from them.

    Practice with a partner
    Create a link (if your partner is not with you physically). Have your partner focus on a specific emotion, using method-acting or recollecting a memory that causes them to feel that emotion. Charge your solar plexus area, and use your chosen system to send a stream of energy from your solar plexus to theirs. As you do this, clear your mind, and relax, and write down or state whatever emotions you feel.

    This should be done 5 to 10 times each practice session. It’s difficult to rate the chance a person would have to come up with a given emotion that another is feeling on their own, but several successes is probably an indicator that you are succeeding in using the ability. Start with simpler and more forceful emotions such as fear, anger, love…move to more complex emotions, or mixtures of emotions, as you improve.