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    The Telepathy Manual

    By Keith Miller (KMiller), Myriad, & Rainsong


    I. Intro

    II. Preliminary Preparations

    III. Navigation

    IV. Pinging

    V. Pulse Sending

    VI. Broadcasting

    VII. Scanning and Probes

    VIII. Suggestion, Projection, and Forced Hallucination

    IX. Hacking

    X. Conclusion

    I. Introduction

    A. Definition of Terms

    Throughout this manual you will find many terms which will more than likely seem very foreign to you. This is because they are very foreign to most of the human population. This manual was written by a group of telepaths with very little input from the outside world. That said, the terms and slang used inside are that which is considered slang terms or only known to telepaths. In this first section, we will go over these terms, and their definitions.

    1) Navigation: The tracking down or maneuvering through a mind on the telepathic level. In this manual, Navigation is the name of a Section that discusses tracking one down based on their mental signature, gathering information about a target by use of items related to the target, and the use of the visualization method to acquire a target (III A). It also discusses various methods of tracking down the source of an incoming signal (III B).

    2) Pinging: A ping is a very simple telepathic communication. It is more often than not simply a push or mental “bop”. This article discusses some of its uses (IV A), as well as its performance (IV B).

    3) Visualization: visualization, unlike the connotations it’s gotten from all those silly “Ki” web sites, is not the practice of guiding or controlling anything, it is simply picturing an image in ones mind. This is used for a few methods discussed in this article, most likely for targeting.

    4) Pulse Sending: A method used by the Russians, pulse sending involves sending a message on a beat or pulse, normally tied in to ones heartbeat. If I were to want to send the color red, I would think “red” at the target each time my heart beat. This will be discussed in greater detail in the Pulse Sending section (V).

    5) Broadcasting: Very much what it sounds, broadcasting is the relaying of a telepathic message to an area or group. Much like a radio tower, in most cases broadcasting is performed by simply tossing thoughts out into the air for anyone sensitive (or close) enough to listen. This is discussed in greater detail in section (VI).

    6) Scanning: Scanning, as far as telepathy goes, is a method of finding information about a target via telepathic means. Scans vary in depth and accuracy. While a surface scan may turn up very little, for example, a shield shape and possibly surface thoughts, an in depth scan can uncover basically anything any one individual is thinking or has thought, without them necessarily having to be thinking it at the time (VII).

    7) Probes: Probes are a more advanced, so to speak, method of Scanning (see 6). Probes involve either energetic constructs, or low level “Hacking” (discussed later). They are usually for longer term monitoring of a target (VII).

    8) Suggestion: Telepathic Suggestion is the act of sending instructional information to a target, such as “get up and walk outside” or “don’t see me.” Discussed in VIII A.

    9) Projection: Telepathic Projection is a method of projecting an image, thought, sound, or so forth into an area. For example, one would project the image of a person sitting on a bus. Discussed in VIII B.

    10) Forced Hallucination: As the name states, the forcing of a hallucination upon a target (VIII C).

    11) Hacking: Telepathic Hacking is a practice of accessing information from a targets mind, intercepting information being sent from one mind to another, interfering with said information, or distorting, destroying, or otherwise corrupting mental files.

    12) Psionic Signature: A Psionic Signature (Psi-Sig) is a person’s mental fingerprint. All people have different psi-sigs, but some sigs are similar, and information can be derived from them.

    B. Warnings and Disclaimers

    This manual is not a joke. The material contained within is fully functional. Some of this information could be used to harm yourself or others. Therefore, the authors are NOT responsible for what you do with this information. Those suffering of mental disorders or lapses should not use this manual. Mental disorders include, but are not limited to, MPD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Debilitating Legal Insanity, Psychopathic Tendencies, Downright Stupidity, and so forth..This manual, while functional, does not guarantee results. We hope it is successful in training telepathy, however we are not liable for failure. This manual is being provided free of charge, and therefore the authors cannot be expected to guarantee delivery, however, again, we hope it does.

    II. Preliminary Preparations

    A. Clearing Your Mind

    1) Breathing-Counting method

    Close your eyes and take a nice, deep breath. Release the breath slowly. Continue this, and begin to count the exhalation. Take nice, easy, slow breaths. Continue counting to 20. Disregard sensory data, thoughts, emotions, and the like. Repeat as necessary. This method is good because it gives your conscious mind something to do while calming your subconscious mind.

    2) Bob Peterson Lightning Method

    “So here’s an exercise for focusing your consciousness down to a quiesced[sic] state: Have you ever seen a flash of lightning, and stopped to listen for the thunder? Or perhaps you heard someone knocking at your door or the telephone ringing from several rooms away? At those times, you tend to stop thinking and listen. And your mind is quiesced[sic] for a second or two. Well, pretend that some sound will occur in the future, and just listen for it. For a short time, your consciousness will stop all processing and go into a quiesced[sic] state. As you practice, increase the length of time that you listen.” –

    3) Coloring

    Coloring, yes, like little kids do, is a very good method for clearing ones mind. Doodling with a pencil is always a good, relaxing act, however, better than that is coloring or drawing with crayons or colored pencils. Blues and teals will create a calming effect, while red excites. Green alone is a soothing color. Yellow and orange are both cheering. These colors should help clear the mind, as they create effects like so, and the act of coloring distracts the analytical mind.

    B. Grounding and Centering

    The ever-famous methods for psychoenergetics taught on just about every credible site. This is a pretty common practice, and could be adapted to telepathic use. Therefore, it is wise to understand the mechanisms of grounding and centering, however, it will not be discussed here as it is outside the scope of this article.

    III. Navigation

    A. Finding Your Target’s Mind

    1) Recalling information about your target.

    The first method we will discuss for finding your target is by recalling information about your target. To do so, you could remember the feeling that person gave you upon meeting. If you spoke to the person, you could remember their voice or vocal tones, and Send to the person with that particular voice, intending them. You could also recall their physical appearance. One method the Russians were fond of in their experiments was mentally visualizing (IA3) the targets face or physical body.

    2) Target Related Items

    Another method of tracking a target is by the use of items related to the target. The first step to this is, obviously, acquire an object that is in some way or another related to the target. Then, using your non-dominant hand (do NOT use your dominant hand), run your fingers or your hand’s energy field over the field of the object. Target the feeling of the pattern you get from the object.

    B. Back-trailing an Incoming Signal

    1) Tagging the route source

    The first step to tagging the route source of an incoming signal is to find an incoming signal. Easy enough. One method of back-trailing it is to make a small construct that follows the signal back to the source. This is an easy enough task, and can be performed like any other constructs, however constructs are outside the scope of this manual. Another construct method is the Hunter-Tracker constructs. These are semi-intelligent constructs designed to follow the signal. However, one should be warned that armed or hostile variations of these are considered attacks, and these can be traced. The third and probably most simple method of tracking a signal is observing the psionic signature of an incoming signal, and comparing it to known signals.

    IV. Pinging

    A. Usage

    1) Fun. Pings can be used for many things, one of which would be for fun. For instance, if you wanted to entertain yourself, you could send a ping in the form of an impact feeling at someone.

    2) Primitive Communication. Pings, while very simple, are quite capable of sending small one thought communications.

    3) Greetings/Expressions. Popular amongst natural psychics, now you can be “in.”

    Pings are excellent for “let ‘em know you’re here” things. They are also very effective shows of expressions, such as the infamous “middle finger.”

    B. How

    The most common and simple way to ping a person is thinking at them. This is a very simple process. The first step is acquiring the target (III A). The second step is thinking while directing your thoughts at this person. One method of this is sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization is thinking with the intent to speak, or thinking JUST below the vocal level. To send a simple ping, one would simply think a concept at a person. In order to add strength to a ping, it is common to send a burst of energy towards the target at the same time as the ping.

    Another variation of a ping is a use of the infamous Psi-Ball. This is be done by formulating a psi-ball with a particular concept, and then sending it towards the topic.

    V. Pulse Sending

    A. Usage

    1) Sending short messages. Pulse Sending as a process is very simple, however, the process is such that it can only send very short, simple concepts, in order to do so in rate with the heartbeat.

    2) Communicating over long distances with minimum distortion. The Russians, as mentioned before (IA) used this to communicate with submarines deep under pack ice. The result was a clear message, due to both the simplicity of the concept and the repetitive sending of such.

    3) Emphasis/Emergency Sendings. The nature of Pulse Sending is such that it can be done quickly and efficiently, with very little preparation or skill..

    B. How

    There is only one real way to go about Pulse Sending, and that can be detailed in steps. The first step is, as in all telepathic applications, to identify a target. Once you have identified the target, you should focus on what you want to Send. For instructional purposes, we will use the example of the color Red. Once you have identified both a target and a signal to send, begin thinking, like in pinging, at the target. Mentally “push forward” at the target, while visualizing the target’s face. Push forward each time your heart beats, for 20 seconds. Wait 5 seconds, and repeat.

    VI. Broadcasting

    A. Usage

    1) Propagandizing/Influencing Crowds. Broadcasting can be used to influence large crowds, because it can send information in a “field” around someone. This would be done the same way as Suggesting, discussed later (VIII A).

    2) Releasing information to Groups. This method is extremely useful for releasing information to an area or a group, as it is much more efficient than Sending to each person.

    3) Panicked Communication. Although this is not usually the purpose, even Nons have an easy time broadcasting, as it is a natural survival method. Humans instinctively broadcast emergencies, whether they like it or not, which can be a good or bad thing.

    B. How

    One method for Broadcasting is very simply “mentally shouting.” If you’re familiar with your mental voice, and we all should be, because it is the fundamental basis of human thought, this is simply changing that voice from a normal talk to a LOUD SHOUTING. If done properly, there should be a pressure or rising feeling at or moving to the top of the head. This may take a while to develop, but shouldn’t be longer than a matter of seconds.

    Another method of Broadcasting is something we do very often. Stewing, or thinking single-mindedly about a single thing, is a form of broadcasting, and should be picked up by various sensitives and even semi-sensitive Nons in the area. The third and final method is one you’ve been expecting is simply Sending at a region.

    VII. Scanning and Probes

    A. Usage

    1) Espionage. This is the primary use for Scanning and Probing. Scanning and Probing, as defined before (IA) are both methods of getting information from a target, potentially an enemy, without their immediate consent.

    2) Assessing an Individuals Energetic Information. Another primary use of Scanning, not as much so Probing, is determining energetic information of another individual, be it friend or foe.

    3) Mind Reading. This is the general concept understood when one says Mind Reading, specifically, this is how a person gains unchecked access to information from an individual, whether the person is presently thinking it or not.

    B. How

    Of course, the first step here is acquiring the target. For this particular exercise, you should begin by extending a tendril from the edge of your mind or shields. This process is difficult to describe, but can be done using the visualization” method amongst those who have programmed their subconscious properly, to manipulate Psi and perform acts based on biofeedback. Reach the tendril towards the target, gently, because a forceful scan/probe can be extremely painful…and less than covert. For a cursory scan of surface thoughts, simply brush the tendril against the edge of the targets mind, or energy field. For a probe, push the tendril into the mind, rooting around and navigating to find what you want.

    VIII. Suggestion, Projection, and Forced Hallucination

    A. Suggestion

    Suggestion is a simple application of telepathic Sending. Suggesting can be performed by use of the Pulse Sending method (V). The difference is, in Suggestion, the object is to have the target perform an action, summarily, basic mind control.

    The Russians performed several experiments suggesting the target to go to sleep. They will be used for exemplary purposes.

    The first step, as always, is to acquire the target. Once you have acquired the target, begin pulse-sending the concept of the action. In this case “sleep!” While doing this, vividly picture the target falling asleep. Another method of doing this would be Sending “You wish to sleep” or, mimicking their mental voice, “I’m getting tired, and I’m going to go to sleep.”

    If you wish to Send complex instructions to the target, walk them through the process step by step, or if the action includes several logical steps, suggest to them that they want the result, while visualizing them performing the steps.

    B. Projection

    Projection is the “Broadcasting” of Suggestion. While suggestion is suggesting to a single person to perform an action, Projection is the Sending of sensory input to a region. For this example, we will project the illusion of a man on a bus. To do this, a target person is not necessary, but rather a target location, in this case, a seat on a school bus. Once you have determined a location broadcast the image or thought of a person sitting at the seat. Actually see the person, while broadcasting the image of it to the bus. While people may not see it immediately, people will act as if they see it. As another example, if someone were to project a gun-wielding terrorist, the people in the area may move to avoid that area (consciously or subconsciously, depending on their level of sensitivity to telepathic Sending), or even act afraid of it.

    C. Forced Hallucination

    This is a demonstration of both the prior skills. Forced Hallucination is forcing a single person to see a location. Again, their responsiveness to it is directly proportionate to your skill and their sensitivity. A natural telepath who’s not expecting it may respond at the offhand thought, while a non might not respond without expert skill. To perform this, one would Suggest sensory input to a single individual, directly affecting them to see something that isn’t there. This could be accomplished by yourself pretending to see, or hear, a person on a bench, or a gun-wielding terrorist, and Suggest what you’re seeing to the target.

    IX. Hacking

    It is necessary to make note that this section begins to discuss more of an application phase. This section will discuss more advanced methodologies while applying formerly taught concepts.

    A. Intercepting

    This is an application of telepathy to intercepting other telepathic communication. The primary method of this is an energetic wiretap. The first step is to locate a signal line. A signal line is a line of communication between two individuals. It’s more than likely simply a straight line. Of course, it’s not really a line, but more of a wave of telepathic energy, which ironically is outside the scope of this article. The basic idea is attaching a construct to that line, which reroutes the communication to you. This can also be done by applying the principles of Probing. However, instead of Probing a mind, probe the telepathic link. Literally a “wiretap.”

    B. Interfering

    There are many ways to interfere with a communication. Two of them are patently obvious. The first is simple: rerouting or otherwise preventing the signal from arriving at its destination. This can be easily done by shielding one or more of the parties involved, or by telepathically influencing (suggesting) the Sender to fail to Send. Another method for this would be to create a depatternizing field on the signal, literally scrambling it. The second, more devious way is to alter the contents of the message. This can be done by directly Suggesting to either the Sender or the signal line. Suggesting to the Sender simply involves Suggesting that he or she send something other than the original method. Suggesting to the signal line would simply be a matter of Sending along the “wiretap”/ tendril to the line.

    C. Distorting/Destroying Mental Files

    The most devious of telepathic hacking applications is the deliberate destruction or distortion of mental files. A mental file is basically anything that a person remembers, or has stored in their mind. Destruction or Distortion of such is simple. While forcing the target to recall events, through telepathic suggestion, suggest to them that they remember it differently. Have them do so for a short while, long enough that they can convince themselves that the “new” memory is the correct one. This works best with vivid detail, as the human mind does not question its own accuracy. This works best after having induced a trance, which is not covered within the scope of this manual. Simply overwriting the old with new would destroy files, and distorting would involve simply changing details.

    This can, surprisingly, be done without them ever knowing. The trick is, instead of Suggesting to the surface mind, you would need to Suggest to the subconscious. By doing so, you avoid the risk of being discovered, except by telepaths who may know what you’re doing.

    X. Conclusion

    That’s the Telepathy Manual, so here I’d like to discuss briefly a list of thanks. I’d like to thank Adam and Rainsong who both aided me greatly in the creation of this. I’d like to thank Sean, who is both sponsoring this on PsiPog (, and also provided counsel for the creation. I’d like to thank my students, Brian and Stefen, who prodded me to work quickly, and I’d like to thank god that I’m finished with this thing at 0135 on a Saturday night.We again hope that you enjoyed this paper and found it useful.

    - Keith, Myriad, & Rainsong.
    © Copyright 2001