By Winged Wolf
In order to practice thought output ability, it’s first wise to have basic energy control techniques down–charging, shielding, and moving energy. Ideally, a person should complete Anka’s training manual, Robert Bruce’s NEW, or a similar energy development system before concentrating on specific applications of mental abilities such as this one.
This ability is best practiced with a partner, but if a partner is not available, there are other ways to practice it, though some may raise ethical concerns. If you are not comfortable with influencing another person’s thoughts without their knowledge or consent, then stick to practicing this ability with a partner.
Practice with a partner
Create a link (if your partner is not with you physically). Charge your ‘third eye’ area, and use your chosen system to send a beam of energy from the center of your forehead to their forehead. As you do this, hold in mind a concept, an image, a word, or similar thought. Pattern the energy you are sending with that thought. Do this for perhaps a minute, giving your partner the opportunity to state what thoughts come to his/her mind.
This should be done 5 to 10 times each practice session. It’s difficult to rate the chance another person would have to come up with a given thought on their own, but several successes is probably an indicator that you are succeeding in using the ability. Start with simple images (shapes, colors), or concepts (animals, machines). As you progress, send more complex images, concepts, and words.
Practice without a partner
Go to a public location, such as a mall, and sit in an out of the way location. Choose something that many people have, which you can use to get a visible sign that you have succeeded in influencing their thoughts. A ring is a good choice. (Compliments to Catherene for this original idea). As above, charge your third eye and send energy to theirs, while holding the concept you want in mind and patterning the energy with it. Send thoughts such as “this ring is very uncomfortable, it itches, I should take it off”. If you succeed, individuals will at least touch the ring. Some may even take it off and put it in their pocket. Record your successes and failures in a notebook.