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    Advanced Intermediate Construct Manipulation

    Teacher: Solet
    Date: 4/16/2010

    Solet: I suggest everyone go grab a snack to have handy cause this isn’t going to be a walk in the park. I’m going to do the same myself. then we’ll get started

    Solet: any questions before I mute out the channel?

    Solet: ok, I need everyone to get a clock with a second hand. if you don’t have one double clicking your system clock on most operating systems will bring one up. If you can’t do that then you’ll be winging it but some stuff in here is timed. I’ll to my best to hold with the timing but I’m not sure everyone will be able to keep up with what I’m doing

    Solet: I’m going to try to give 30 seconds for manipulation then the predetermined amount of hold time for each step

    Solet: If there are no further questions then I’m going to get started. just looking at notes, it’s looking like this could turn into an 80 step exercise pretty quickly and its getting pretty late so lets kick it off

    Solet: We’re going to start off by making 3 inch constructs in the palm of each hand. You’ll want to charge these up a bit as we’re going to be doing quite a bit with them in just a few moments.

    Solet: Now inside of each of these 2 constructs, I want you to make 5 construct seeds. These are just basic sphere shells that we’ll be ejecting and playing with later, but its good to have them shelled now. It also trains recursive programming which will come in handy later as you reach more advanced levels

    Solet: Once you have your 2 constructs and total of 10 seeds, we’re going to eject these seeds to the fingertips on each hand (don’t cross over, left stays left, right stays right)

    Solet: once accomplished make the fingertip seed constructs into 1 inch spheres

    Solet: hold these 12 constructs as they are for 1 minute, charge them up if needed

    Solet: now spin the palm constructs inward; this is, left clockwise and right anticlockwise

    Solet: get a good steady pace going, they don’t need to be spinning super fast, 100rpm would do fine

    Solet: (1 rotation every .7 seconds or so)

    Solet: hold this rotation for 60 seconds (even after 60 seconds they should still be rotating)

    Solet: now starting at the tops, I want you to slowly turn the constructs blue, as if you were holding a paint brush to a pot on a spinning wheel, slowly working your way from the top to the bottom

    Solet: once blue and spinning, hold it for 1 minute

    Solet: the point of holding each stage for a while in between stages is to increase your output capacity. if you were to do all stages at once you’d use far less energy and it would slow improvement. this increases manipulation abilities as well as endurance

    Solet: now we’re going to color the finger constructs.

    Solet: we don’t need to go slow on this but starting with the pinky turn your spheres red

    Solet: then on the ring finger turn them green

    Solet: the middle finger constructs become yellow

    Solet: turn your index finger spheres pink

    Solet: and make the ones on your thumbs purple

    Solet: force the color on them and make sure it holds. then with your newly painted fingertip constructs, and your spinning blue spheres in your palms. hold this for 2 minutes

    Solet: recharge these constructs if you need to

    Solet: now what we’re going to do is to turn the constructs on our pinkies (the red ones) into tetrads (a tetrad is a 3 sided pyramid with a triangular bottom)

    Solet: once you have your red tetrads you should hold them for 30 seconds, recharging if needed

    Solet: then on our ring fingers we’re going to make the green constructs into cubes, for those who slept through geometry that would be a 6 sided figure made of squares

    Solet: hold this for 30 seconds as well

    Solet: now we’re going to make the yellow constructs on our middle fingers into donuts

    Solet: these donuts should not be laying down like a donut normally does but rather, standing up like a car tire does (when affixed to the car)

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: on the pointer finger we’re gonna get a little trickier. we’re going to make 6 pointed stars, like jacks

    Solet: for those who haven’t played jacks it’s a cross with a spike coming out of the center joint to turn it from a 2d to a 3d figure, also think of a 3d graph from high school math

    Solet: this might be a bit trickier. but hold it for 30 seconds to make sure you got it

    Solet: now on our thumbs we’re going to turn the purple constructs into pyramids, 4 sided with square bottoms

    Solet: hold this shape for 30 seconds

    Solet: once you’re sure the last shapes programming has taken. hold all of your shapes for an additional minute and a half

    Solet: spinning blue sphere in palms, red tetrad on pinkies, green cube on ring fingers, yellow donut on middles, pink stars on pointers and purple pyramids on thumbs

    Solet: now, take the purple pyramids on your thumbs and move them so they’re hovering over the blue spheres in your palms

    Solet: shift each construct down ONE BY ONE, pink star to thumb yellow donut to pointer, green cube to middle, red tetrad to ring

    Solet: now move your purple pyramids back to your pinkies

    Solet: (hold this for 30 seconds)

    Solet: next we’re going to put the pink star over the blue sphere in your palm

    Solet: and ONE BY ONE shift the constructs down again

    Solet: yellow donut to thumb green cube to pointer red tetrad to middle purple pyramid to ring

    Solet: then we’re going to put the pink star on our pinkies

    Solet: (and hold this arrangement for 30 seconds)

    Solet: then we’ll put the yellow donut over the blue spinning sphere in our palms

    Solet: and one by one shift each one down again

    Solet: cube to thumb, tetrad to pointer, pyramid to middle star to ring and donut to pinky

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now we’re going to put the green cube over the blue spinning spheres in our palms

    Solet: and again one by one make the shift

    Solet: tetrad to thumb, pyramid to pointer star to middle donut to ring and green cube back to pinky

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now for the final shift here. returning everything to normal

    Solet: put the red tetrad over the blue sphere in our palms

    Solet: and make the last shift

    Solet: pyramid to thumb star to pointer donut to middle cube to ring and move the tetrad back to the pinky

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds just like before)

    Solet: now that we’re back to our original orientation. we’re going to start playing with our constructs a little more in depth. giving them movement

    Solet: starting back with the red tetrads on our pinkies we’re going to spin them the same direction as the blue spheres (left clockwise, right anticlockwise)

    Solet: hold this for one minute. they should be spinning at the same rate as the blue spheres

    Solet: while continuing to spin the tetrads and spheres we’re going to now spin the green cubes on our ring fingers the opposite direction ( left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: hold this for one minute. as always recharging as necessary

    Solet: still spinning spheres tetrads and cubes we’re going to spin the yellow donuts on our middle fingertips the same as the blue spheres (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: hold this spin for 1 minute

    Solet: still spinning everything we’ve spun, spin the pink stars opposite the blue spheres (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: hold for one minute

    Solet: still spinning everything, spin the purple pyramids same as the blue spheres (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: hold this for 3 minutes. increasing speed every minute. after the 3 minutes you can cut the speed back down if you need to

    Solet: ok, now we’re going to get into some fun stuff

    Solet: hold your hands at least a foot apart

    Solet: now we’re going to move the red tetrads on our pinkies to the middle between our hands

    Solet: still spinning*

    Solet: now revolve them around each other clockwise, as if they were dancing with each other

    Solet: keep them dancing for one minute

    Solet: now return them to the fingers they started out on (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: next move the green cubes to the middle and revolve them around each other clockwise

    Solet: go for a minute

    Solet: return them to their original fingers (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: now the same with the yellow donuts, move to the center and revolve them around each other clockwise

    Solet: as before hold for one minute

    Solet: return them to their original fingers (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: now the pink stars, out to the middle, clockwise revolution

    Solet: again dance them around each other for a minute

    Solet: return to original fingers (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: finally your purple pyramids to the center, revolve clockwise

    Solet: hold for 1 minute

    Solet: return purple pyramids to original fingers (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: now that we’re back to our ‘base position’ go ahead and stop the rotation of all 12 constructs

    Solet: hold stationary for 1 minute

    Solet: it’s been 1 minute. go ahead and let go of the constructs. if you can. leave them on a desk we’ll be picking them back up in a moment. but we’re going to take a break so you guys can get a snack

    Solet: we will be picking these constructs back up and resuming in ~ 5 minutes for the second half of the class

    Solet: go get some OJ, an avocado, a sandwich, some sort of snack that you can get and consume in 5 minutes. bathroom break if you need to. the important part is get something in you

    Solet: we’ve done a lot so far and there’s more to come. while we wait. zhala any good questions you’ve come across that posting q/a in here would help people?

    zhala: no good ones

    Solet: while we wait. go ahead and pick your constructs back up. make sure they’re charged up and ready. if they died remake them. if you need the order of the shapes and such scroll up :P

    Solet: ok, everyone should have all 12 constructs back up and ready to rock

    Solet: remember they should not be spinning. we stopped the spin before the break

    Solet: now we are going to stack the finger constructs on our pinkies one by one

    Solet: move the green cubes to on top of the red tetrads, shift all of the constructs over one towards your pinky except the blue spheres

    Solet: (hold this for a minute)

    Solet: move the yellow donuts on top of the green cubes on your pinkies and shift again

    Solet: (hold again for a minute)

    Solet: move the pink stars on top of the yellow donuts on the stack on your pinkies and shift again

    Solet: (hold this position a minute)

    Solet: move the purple pyramid on top of the pink stars on the pinky stack

    Solet: (hold the stack for 2 minutes)

    Solet: ok now move the blue sphere up to the tip of your pointer finger while keeping the stack on your pinkies

    Solet: (hold for a minute)

    Solet: now roll the blue sphere down the back of your finger, down the back of your hand and rest it just above your wrist

    Solet: (hold for another minute)

    Solet: now. one by one. just like we stacked them. slowly unstack your pinky stack and put the finger constructs back where they were

    Solet: step by step just like when we stacked them

    Solet: you don’t have to hold in between for this

    Solet: (tho for future exercise a 30 second hold between each step wouldn’t hurt by any means)

    Solet: now that you have the constructs back at your finger tips. roll them down the backs of your fingers to your knuckles. starting with the red tetrad on the pinky roll it to the knuckle

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now roll the green cube down the back of your ring finger to the knuckle

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now roll the yellow donuts down the back of your middle fingers to the knuckles. hold that for 30 seconds as well

    Solet: then roll the pink stars down the backs of your pointers and hold them at the knuckles just like the others, hold it for 30 seconds

    Solet: finally roll the purple pyramids down the backs of your thumbs to the knuckles. hold for 30 seconds

    Solet: now close your hands into fists. you should have all 12 constructs on the backs of your hands now

    Solet: (hold them there for a minute)

    Solet: now. spin the blue spheres inward again

    Solet: (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: (hold for 1 minute)

    Solet: now spin the red tetrads on your pinkies the same direction as the blue spheres (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: (hold again for a minute)

    Solet: while continuing sphere and tetrad spin, spin the green cubes on your ring finger the opposite direction (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: (hold for 1 minute)

    Solet: still spinning sphere tetrad and cube, spin the yellow donuts the same as the blue sphere (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: (again hold for a minute)

    Solet: still spinning everything we’ve spun, spin the pink stars opposite the blue spheres (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: (hold for 1 minute)

    Solet: still spinning everything, spin the purple pyramids same as the blue spheres (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: hold for 3 minutes increasing speed every minute

    Solet: at the end of 3 minutes you may reduce speed down if you need to

    Solet: now take the purple pyramids on your thumb knuckles and hover them over the blue spheres that are over your wrists

    Solet: shift each construct down ONE BY ONE, pink star to thumb yellow donut to pointer, green cube to middle, red tetrad to ring

    Solet: now move your purple pyramids to your pinkies

    Solet: (hold this for 30 seconds)

    Solet: next we’re going to put the pink star over the blue sphere

    Solet: and ONE BY ONE shift the constructs down again

    Solet: yellow donut to thumb green cube to pointer red tetrad to middle purple pyramid to ring

    Solet: then we’re going to put the pink star on our pinkies

    Solet: and hold this arrangement for 30 seconds

    Solet: then we’ll put the yellow donuts over the blue spinning spheres over our wrists

    Solet: and one by one shift them again

    Solet: cube to thumb, tetrad to pointer, pyramid to middle star to ring and donut to pinky

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now we’re going to put the green cube over the blue spinning spheres

    Solet: and shift again

    Solet: tetrad to thumb, pyramid to pointer star to middle donut to ring and green cube back to pinky

    Solet: (hold 30 seconds)

    Solet: now to put everything back to normal. put the red tetrads over the blue spheres on our wrists

    Solet: and shift one last time

    Solet: pyramid to thumb star to pointer donut to middle cube to ring and move the tetrad back to the pinky

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now holding your fists at least a foot apart

    Solet: move the red tetrads to the center, and just like before you’ll be revolving them around each other clockwise

    Solet: (revolve them for 1 minute)

    Solet: return them to where they came from (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: next move the green cubes to the middle and revolve them around each other clockwise

    Solet: (continue for 1 minute)

    Solet: return them to their starting knuckles (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: now the same with the yellow donuts, move to the center and revolve them around each other clockwise

    Solet: dance them around each other for a minute

    Solet: after a minute put them back to their starting positions (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: now the pink stars, out to the middle, clockwise revolution

    Solet: (hold this for a minute)

    Solet: return them to their knuckles (left anticlockwise right clockwise)

    Solet: finally your purple pyramids to the center, revolve clockwise

    Solet: (hold for a minute)

    Solet: now return the pyramids to their starting knuckles (left clockwise right anticlockwise)

    Solet: hold everything in its back handed base position for 2 minutes

    Solet: now we are going to make the stack again

    Solet: move the green cubes to on top of the red tetrads, shift all of the constructs over one towards your pinky except the blue spheres

    Solet: (hold for a minute)

    Solet: move the yellow donuts on top of the green cubes on your pinkies and shift again

    Solet: (hold for another minute)

    Solet: move the pink stars on top of the yellow donuts on the stack on your pinkies and shift again

    Solet: (hold again for a minute)

    Solet: move the purple pyramid on top of the pink stars on the pinky stack

    Solet: (again hold for a minute)

    Solet: now turn your purple pyramids back into colorless spheres

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now turn your pink stars back into colorless spheres

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now take the 2 colorless spheres (top 2 in your stack) and combine them into one

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: now turn your yellow donut into a colorless sphere again

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: add the former donut sphere into the former star/pyramid sphere we just made

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: turn your green cube into a colorless sphere

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: combine that sphere with the former pyramid/star/donut sphere we’ve been adding to

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: turn the red tetrad into a colorless sphere

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: combine the 2 spheres above your knuckle into one

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: turn the blue sphere above your wrist into a colorless sphere

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: combine the knuckle sphere and the wrist sphere into one sphere on your wrist

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: open your hands and roll the wrist sphere back into your palms like they started out

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: combine the palm constructs you have into one sphere between your hands

    Solet: (hold for 30 seconds)

    Solet: finally ground out the construct, or store it if you wish. either way dispose of it as this exercise is over

    Solet: if there are any questions, please raise your hand and I will answer them one at a time, orderly fashion, etc

    DraconicNinja: when I was spinning the constructs..they started outputting energy.. that and when I stopped the spinning, they still wanted to spin.

    Sawyer: I couldn’t get them spinning opposite directions.

    DraconicNinja: one question however is how long is good time to practice this? how many times a day?

    Solet: DraconicNinja: yes it happens. it’s a control issue you need to work on

    Sawyer: I ended up having them all spinning the same way the whole time. For simplicity’s sake

    Solet: sawyer opposite spinning takes AWESOME concentration

    DraconicNinja: Solet: I got them to stop, but they still /wanted/ to spin so I ..”shocked” them

    Solet: DraconicNinja once a day is sufficient for most people

    DraconicNinja: *raises hand?*

    Solet: ok. dn?

    DraconicNinja: I got the opposite spinning part, but when I went to turn them into the shapeless colorless spheres, I was unsure if you wanted us to deprogram them or what, because at that point they where pretty solid things

    Solet: shapeless colorless sphere means strip all programming, add sphere shell

    Solet: no spin, no shape, no color add sphere

    DraconicNinja: okay thanks. so converting them and stripping them basically

    Solet: yes, anyone else?

    Zeus: Thank you Solet

    Solet: alright guys. class is over

    DraconicNinja: …good job solet

    Solet: for those of you who had a hard time keeping up please see my intermediate class

    Sawyer: Thanks, Solet

    Zeus: A well put together class for sure

    Sawyer: You’re a bitch, but thanks


    Solet: ^—- intermediate class